The most important “youth protein” can be obtained from seafood and fish, meat and chicken, bone broths, and gelatin. Good news for vegetarians: natural collagen is also found in plant products, like citrus fruits, black currants, strawberries, nuts, and legumes.
Collagen is the main building block of protein in the human body. Its structure forms bones, tendons, muscles, and skin. It makes them more durable and elastic. Many age-related processes in the body are associated with collagen deficiency: loose skin, loss of joint mobility, and weakness of the musculoskeletal system.
These habits will positively affect the production of this protein:
- Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun, use SPF creams.
- Observe the sleep schedule (7-9 hours a day).
- Give up smoking, including passive smoking.
- Include enjoyable activities, like going out with your friends or playing at the Bizzo Casino Australia, to your daily routine.
- Avoid stress, which produces cortisol, which destroys collagen fibers.
- engage in physical activity, as research shows that physical activity slows down skin aging.
9 Best Products With Collagen
Bone Broth
Bone broth contains the highest concentration of this substance compared to other products. It’s rich in amino acids such as glycine, proline, and arginine. Bones are boiled for several hours to enhance flavor and extract collagen. Broths made from beef, chicken, and guinea fowl have similar properties.
Mushrooms contain valuable minerals, such as zinc, copper, and selenium, which support the formation of collagen fibrils, prevent their destruction, and restore collagen fibers. To get the benefits, it’s enough to regularly eat about 200 g of mushrooms.
Red Beans
Valine, lysine, and leucine (amino acids concentrated in this product), as well as many plant proteins, take part in the creation of collagen.
Herbs and Cabbage
Parsley, spinach, dill, and basil are rich in vitamin C. Considering that a large amount of zinc and copper is contained in all varieties of cabbage, the consumption of the latter has a positive effect on collagen production.
Sulfur and vitamin C, present in it, help synthesize this protein, and antioxidants protect collagen fibers from destruction, which helps maintain youthful skin and joint mobility. Garlic can smooth the epidermis and fight the appearance of wrinkles.
Rich in amino acids and the antioxidant phytocyanin, which keeps cells healthy and fights early aging.
Soy products include histeine. This plant hormone fights enzymes that slow down the formation of collagen and elastin. It helps keep skin beautiful and joints healthy.
It contains many B vitamins and a large number of trace elements, in particular, zinc, which favors the formation of collagen. This meat is better boiled or baked in the oven.
This product contains a lot of collagen and elastin. They are obtained by processing bones, cartilage, tendons, and animal skin, mainly cattle, pigs, fish, or birds. Agar can also be used as an alternative to gelatin, which is also used as a jelly-forming ingredient or thickener in the preparation of sweets.
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